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SweCham Team visited the NIST International School

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25 Apr 2024

On 22 April, the SweCham team visited our member, NIST International School, in which we were warmly welcomed by Dr James Dalziel (Head of School) and Khun Yvonne Trisynthia (Director of Engagement).  The visit provided us with a valuable opportunity to discuss potential collaborations that could benefit NIST students academically and share Swedish higher education options among students.

Furthermore, we gained insights into their learning programme, contributing to the school’s reputation for academic excellence for several decades.  Khun Yvonne also provided a small tour of the school for us to explore their World Language classrooms and Black Box Theatre.  We were very excited to see the Swedish language classroom, filled with Swedish books and games, where students could experience and embark on their Swedish language journey directly with a Swedish teacher.  Additionally, their campus is also undergoing a redevelopment plan for their new Pavilion Building, set to be completed in 2025, to meet the future needs of the NIST community.

Once again, we would like to express our sincere thanks for their warm hospitality.  The SweCham team looks forward to developing new opportunities and partnerships with NIST International School in the future!

To learn more about NIST International School, please visit

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