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SweCham Team at CaF 2023 ‘Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity: Strategy for Change’

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22 May 2023

On 17 May 2023, the SweCham team had the opportunity to go to the C asean Forum (CaF 2023) at the C asean Auditorium, CW Tower.  Inspired by the Masterplan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025, the first edition of the CaF was opened by the C asean Chairman Mr Thapana Sirivadhanabhakdi and featured a hybrid forum on the ‘Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity: Strategy for Change,’ to unlock more extensive opportunities for trade, investment, and socio-economic development not only in Thailand but across the ASEAN region.  

The forum featured several speakers. Mr Lim Chze Cheen, Director of ASEAN Connectivity Division, the Secretary-General at the ASEAN Secretariat, spoke on the masterplan on ASEAN connectivity (MPAC): transforming ASEAN to a highly integrated and cohesive economy.  Mr Roongrote Rangsiyopash, CEO and President of SCG, discussed connecting ASEAN with digital logistics and supply chain solutions. H.E. Mr Hun Saroeun, Ambassador, the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia discussed the acceleration of ASEAN connectivity with the new deep sea port and new airport of Cambodia.  H.E. Mr Pham Quang Vinh, President of Vietnam – USA Society, spoke about Vietnam’s contribution to sustaining the ASEAN connectivity.  Finally, Mr Tony Fernandes, Co-founder and Group Executive Officer of AirAsia,spoke on ASEAN connectivity for harmonisation and efficient resource utilisation. 

Furthermore, the forum was a great opportunity to network and discuss different ways that connectivity can be implemented in the ASEAN region following the inspiring speaker sessions.  

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