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Big Warm Thanks to Khun First, Our Outgoing Events and Marketing Officer!

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26 Jun 2024

We would like to warmly thank Khun Thittiya Sommana, or Khun First, our outgoing Events and Marketing Officer, for her invaluable contributions during her time with us at SweCham. 

Khun First has been a remarkable colleague, embodying hard work, reliability, and creativity.  Her exceptional talents in graphic design have significantly enhanced the quality and impact of our events and projects, contributing greatly to the Chamber’s success.  Her attention to detail has ensured that SweCham events have been well-organised and run smoothly. 

Khun First's efforts went beyond routine promotional activities on social media and the meticulous planning of events.  She played a pivotal role in the complete overhaul of the SweCham website, ensuring it was modern, user-friendly, and visually appealing.  Additionally, she was responsible for the stunning cover of the Bangkok Post supplement promoting Sweden Innovation. 

A true team player, Khun First has always been ready to lend a helping hand, making her an invaluable part of our team. Her positive attitude and willingness to go the extra mile will be deeply missed. 

We wish Khun First the very best of luck in the next steps of her career.  We are confident that she will continue to excel and achieve great things.  Again, big thanks to Khun First, for her invaluable contributions to SweCham and the Thai-Swedish business community.  We wish her all the best and look forward to witnessing her future successes! 

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