30 Jun 2023
On 27 June, our executive director, Dr Pojanath Bhatanacharoen, along with the team joined the Executive Directors and Chambers Management Luncheon Meeting organised by the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand (JFCCT) at Anantara Siam Hotel. The aim of the meeting is to share updates on JFCCT Committees, future events, and initiatives to which foreign chambers of commerce in Thailand and chambers’ members could contribute and support further.Â
At the meeting, JFCCT Chairwoman, Mrs Vibeke Lyssand LeirvÃ¥g, JFCCT Vice Chairs, Dr Supareak Charlie Chomchan and Mr Ravi Sehgal, together with Chair of Sustainable Development Committee, Mr Lars Svensson, Chairman of Tourism Committee, Mr Anthony Hoglund, and Executive Secretary, Ms Wanlapa Yamapai, shared their updates. The work scope of the JFCCT Tourism Committee, Sustainable Development Committee, Digital Economy/ICT Committee, SME Committee, and Education & Skills Committee were shared.  Â
Members of chambers are invited to actively participate in the committees. Chambers also have the opportunity to commit to knowledge transferring for teachers, work with the Office of SMEs Promotion (OSMEP), take part in sustainability events to showcase the expertise of chambers’ members and support the JFCCT in various prospects. Believing that we can drive business growth for the foreign business community by working together, many SweCham members are supporting the JFCCT in this essential work through active engagement in the working groups.Â
Moreover, the meeting provided the JFCCT and chambers with a chance to coordinate the upcoming events this year, including the Directors’ Night, Embassies and Chambers get-together, and EEC event organised by the JFCCT and Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce. We are delighted to be informed about the events and we look forward to supporting these events.Â
Lastly, SweCham team was delighted to participate in this meeting, and it was great to catch up with colleagues from different chambers. Â We look forward to continuing our close cooperation with the JFCCT and other chambers. Â
To learn more about the JFCCT Committees, please visit www.jfcct.org/jfcct-committeesÂ
To explore other news and activities from the SweCham and our members, please visit: www.swecham.comÂ