27 Jun 2024
On 25 June, 2024, Business Sweden hosted the ‘Pioneer the Possible Thailand 2024: Green Production’ event at True Digital Park. The event began with opening speeches by Mrs. Anna Jakenberg Brinck, Chargé d'Affaires, at the Embassy of Sweden, and Mr. Kacper Pierzynowski, Trade Commissioner of Sweden to Thailand followed by a keynote speech by Mrs. Siripen Kiatfuengfoo, Deputy Director General, Office of Industrial Economics (OIE), Ministry of Industry. All emphasised the importance of international cooperation in advancing sustainable manufacturing.
The discussions throughout the morning focused on driving sustainable manufacturing through Thai-Swedish collaboration. A significant portion of the dialogue revolved around the promotion of green production methods. Speakers highlighted innovative approaches to manufacturing that aim to minimise environmental impact. These included setting clear goals and targets for your organisations, kick-starting a monitoring process to measure progress, using renewable energy sources including solar panel in factories, and encouraging green supply chain by working with suppliers to improve their standards. Their insights provided a roadmap for companies looking to transition to more sustainable practices.
The Thai-Swedish collaboration was manifested further in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony between Business Sweden and the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI). The aim is to work together to achieve carbon neutrality through promoting the green transition in the areas of green production, green mobility, and Energy transition.
Big thanks to the speakers Dr. Savanit Boonyasuwat, Vice Chairman of the BCG Pillar at the FTI, Mr. Chanchai Chalokkongtavorn, Senior Plan and Policy Analyst, OIE, Ministry of Industry, Mr. Tommaso Origo, Managing Director of Electrolux Professional, Mr. Polawat Phrirojchaikul, Managing Director of Reflex Packaging, Dr. Umairah Nizam, LCA Coordinator at Camfil, Mr Kongkiat Teekamongkol, Managing Director of Camfil Thailand, and Mr. Peter Borjesson, Vice President of Government & Industry Relations at Ericsson. Dr. Pojanath Bhatanacharoen, Executive Director of SweCham, moderated the session.
All the participants enjoyed valuable networking opportunities, connecting with like-minded professionals committed to sustainability. Big thanks to all speakers and participants for their insightful contributions and engagement. We look forward to following the development of the collaborative efforts and best practices between Thailand and Sweden in the green production area!