2 May 2023
On 18 April, the SweCham Team was invited to the Swedish Group in Bangkok (Svenskgruppen Bangkok), during the weekly gathering at The Stable Lodge. Many thanks to Khun Bo Olsén, computer entrepreneur, for the warm welcome and the delicious cinnamon rolls!
Dr Pojanath gave a presentation that covered the history and function of the Chamber as a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that supports Swedish and Swedish-related businesses and individuals in Thailand. The SweCham Working Groups and a variety of events organised or co-sponsored by the Chamber in the past year were also discussed. Following the presentation, a lively Q&A session ensued, during which participants posed numerous questions about SweCham and its activities.
‘The Swedish Group in Bangkok’ is also open to individuals who speak other Scandinavian languages or live in other parts of Thailand. The group is a great forum to network and speak Swedish while in Thailand. The group also promotes an active exchange of experience and knowledge.