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SweCham, Norcham and TFCC hosted a Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) game!

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22 Feb 2024

SweCham, Norcham and TFCC hosted a Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) game, organised by the Chair of the JFCCT Sustainability Committee, Mr. Lars Svensson, Chief Executive of the Sasin Sustainability & Entrepreneurship Center (SEC).  This event took place prior to the JFCCT Presidents Council Meeting, the game was attended by the JFCCT Chair Ms. Vibeke Lyssand Liervag, SweCham President Mr. Peter Björk, and other chamber Presidents and Chairs.  The SDG game is a simulation reflecting our real-world challenges in achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals 2030.  

Originating from Japan, the game has been played on various prestigious platforms, including by the UN, government agencies, and numerous companies. The game has created the opportunity for individuals from a diverse set of backgrounds to get a deeper insight into sustainability and the SDGs. The game frames how participants think, highlighting potential biases, and the game ultimately succeeds with illustrating the complexity of global issues.  

In the game, you are divided into teams tasked with navigating the complexities of allocating time, money, and deciding which projects to support while trying to achieve a balanced economy, environment, and society.  The game presents a stark reminder that we have only a limited time left to achieve the 2030 SDGs, emphasising the urgency of action, both collective and individual. 

As the game unfolded, we experienced firsthand the tough choices and trade-offs required for sustainability. The game underscored the power of collaboration, discussion, and balanced approaches in overcoming these global challenges. It serves as a call to action for each of us to embody the change we wish to see in the world. 

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